
BNOS 2024 abstract submission has now closed.

Abstract Topics:

  • Adult Glioma
  • Laboratory, translational and clinical science
  • Cerebral metastasis (and other CNS malignancies)
  • Survivorship and quality of life
  • Imaging
  • Paediatric oncology and tumours in young adults
  • Meningioma and schwannoma/other
  • Clinical Trials
  • Novel / experimental care
  • Other

Any incomplete abstracts will be considered less favourably.

Abstracts should not cite references in accordance with the Manuscript Preparation Instructions given on the Neuro-oncology website (https://academic.oup.com/neuro-oncology).

Abstract titles must be sentence case. (i.e only the first letter should be capitalised).

Please ensure the affiliation section is updated with your current institution.

Abstracts must be original work and not have been published elsewhere.

Tables and figures are not allowed.


To view the 2024 abstract book CLICK HERE


Presentation Information – click to view:

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines (10 minutes)

Oral Presentation Guidelines (15 minutes)

